
#1 in business automation and digitalization

In today’s digitalization we are misled to focus on the technology instead of the value it brings, which makes us focus on the things, and not on the people. What is the number one thing in business automation, and also probably the hardest, if you want to excel at creating an awesome customer or employee experience that flows through your whole organization? We believe the answer is cooperation and co-creation.

As you will notice below, I write both customer and employee, because there is no difference in creating a great experience for either of them. You should have the same mindset and use the same methods independent if your are creating something for your employees or for your customers. This means that HR need to think a little bit more like Marketing, and vice versa. 

What does cooperation and co-creation means in practice?

Cooperation means working together, for instance as different departments like HR, IT, and Marketing. When we are working with organizations we all too often hear a “us and them” mentality in many organizations, and that has to stop if you want to achieve greatness in business automation. It will only affect the customer or employee experience in a bad way and at the same time minimize the value of your digitalization and business automation. It’s time to set the customer or employee in your focus and share that perspective to create an awesome experience. Working together leads to more ideas, a common understanding for difference perspectives and in the end leads to a richer and better end result.

To fully utilize the power of a collective mind, it’s time to start cooperating within your organization and co-creating with your customers or employees, and you will build something that evolves to something more than just a service or product.

Co-creation means building the product or service together with the one using it, either it’s employees or customers. Bring in the one buying or using it as early as possible and do it together. There is no better way for instant feedback and market understanding. The old way of you as an organization building something and then selling it, is gone. Today you build it together with your customers or employees and it will evolve to something more than just a product or service. It will create a bond that’s stronger than a supplier – buyer relationship. 

How do I get started?

Everything comes down to action, going from knowing to doing and making the first step as easy as possible. First start by being curious and ask your customers and employees as early as possible before you build something new. It’s usually easier to start with something new, than something being around for a while. Another thing to try is to just invite your customer or employee to the meetings where you are creating or redefining your product or service. There are numerous methods and techniques out there, which is easy to get sidetracked by, but they all start with you asking questions and inviting people to start building something together. 

To fully utilize the power of a collective mind, it’s time to start cooperating within your organization and co-creating with your customers or employees, and you will build something that evolves to something more than just a service or product.

What do you think about this? What is the most important thing to consider to be able to reap the benefits of digitalization and business automation? Connect with me and let me know what your thoughts are, and as always, I love feedback in any form.

Think big, continuously act small and aim to be awesome.