People climbing on a mountain

A great adventure with Zervicepoint, begins NOW

We are happy to announce that Enfo has on March 31 sold its Zervicepoint business to FoF Family Office, a Swedish investment company.

– FoF’s role will be to support Team Zervicepoint for the development of existing business, find new areas within automation, marketing, sales and add expertise to the consulting industry to meet the increasing demand of custom IT tools, comments Johan Berggren, CEO, FoF Group.

– Thus, the divestment is a natural step in executing our strategy and provides Zervicepoint new opportunities for growth. I am happy our experts will get a new good owner with the FoF Group,” says Enfo’s CEO Seppo Kuula.

For you, as our customer it means we are now operating from the newborn company Zervicepoint, alongside with our partners by continuing to support you in the best possible way. Enfo will continue to be one of our main partners and for some of you, still your main contact. During the following days, we would like to share this great news with you and will get in touch with you who work close to us on a daily basis. It is also an opportunity for you to ask us questions, or if you have any concerns you’d like to discuss with us.

If you have any questions or concerns right at this moment, please don’t hesitate to contact us. You can find our contact information at the bottom of this email or contact us directly at;

Rickard Lööf, CEO
+46 70-963 39 78

Anna Claesson, CMO
+46 73-314 30 85

We look so much forward to this journey ahead of us with you and hope our growth will enable your organization and your Zervicepoint platform to thrive in the years to come!

Thrilling Regards,
/ Team Zervicepoint

Read Enfo’s pressrelease

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