
Welcome to the technical forum. Here you can delve into code and learn how to effectively streamline your workday in practice.

#45 Code Cookie Of The Week | Employee onboarding w/ Visma Spcs

We dive into Visma Spcs’s HR process and learn about how they automated a bunch of manual processes, leaving them and their colleagues more time to focus on their core offering.

#44 Code Cookie Of The Week | The biggest challenges in automation w/ VISMA Spcs

Erik delves into Visma Spcs’s biggest challenge in automation. Who makes the decisions about which processes to automate? How much time does it take for them to create services in Zervicepoint?

#43 Code Cookie Of The Week | Top 5 ordered services w/ VISMA Spcs

We have had the honor to talk with Carl-Fredrik and Daniel from VISMA Spcs about their experience of Zervicepoint and automation. They share their five most frequently used Zervicepoint-services.

#42 Code Cookie Of The Week | SQL Injection

In this Code Cookie, Erik will show you how SQL injections can be used and how we can protect ourselves against them. A very instructive moment from our cookie monster!

#41 Code Cookie Of The Week | Playig with possible .NET SDK

In this weeks cookie, Erik is looking at how a .NET SDK could work and look by creating a dropdown to search for groups in Azure. Disclaimer! This is just experimental so far!

#40 Code Cookie Of The Week | ForEach Loop

Erik shows you how to work with JSON variables. In this extension, Erik goes deeper and shows HOW you can use JSON variables in practical examples. Very smooth and useful

#39 Code Cookie Of The Week | A quick look at TopDesk

In this week’s Code Cookie, Erik shows how you can connect TopDesk, which is an ITSM system, with Zervicepoint in a fairly simple way, and in this way automate your ticket handling. Check it out!

#38 Code Cookie Of The Week | Working with JSON variables

You know the uncomfortable feeling when you have to work with objects and arrays, but do not know where to start. In this video, Erik is showing you how to serialize your form into a JSON object. Jump in!

#37 Code Cookie Of The Week | Debounce

Is Erik shooting some hoops? Of course, he’s not. He’s demonstrating the Debounce function using JavaScript. Quite useful! Check it out!

#36 Code Cookie Of The Week | Printing a form

What’s up, biscuits?! This week’s Code Cookie is kind of short and sweet. Erik is showing you how to print a form, using a Zervicepoint service. So, grab a bite and join him!

#35 Code Cookie Of The Week | Södra Automation Experiences

Erik sits down with André Viebke and Ellinor Danielsson from Södra Skogsägarna, where they talk about their challenges and strengths regarding automation!

#34 Code Cookie Of The Week | Digitalize your documents

In this video, Erik shows you how to create a service in Zervicepoint, based on a PDF document. This with just a few keystrokes. This is for you who love automagic!

#33 Code Cookie Of The Week | ZP List in a shared process

Erik is showing you Zervicepoint-lists – what they’re for and how to use them. Typically we don’t like to store master data in Zervicepoint, but in some cases, that’s actually very useful.

#BONUSCOOKIETIME | Zervicepoint’s greatest secret

In this video, Erik shows one of many Easter eggs hidden in the product. Have you found any other eggs? If not, here’s one just for you!

#32 Code Cookie Of The Week | Teams Plugin Part 1

In this video, Erik shows you how to use the Microsoft Authentication Library and how to work with the Microsoft Graph API to easily put together these extraordinary platforms.

#31 Code Cookie Of The Week | Love calculator, buttons & progress bar

Erik goes through how you can create your own “love calculator“. But not only that. He also shows you how to use Buttons and uses JavaScript to create a neat and useful progress bar!

#30 Code Cookie Of The Week | Pokémon Plugin

Are you a big fan of Ash and the other trainers? Or do you just admire the colorful little creatures? However, to get the data Erik needs to create this plugin, he’s using the open Pokemon API called “Poke API”. Check it out!

#29 Code Cookie Of The Week | Cascading Dropdowns

If you have a bunch of different dropdowns and want the values to change depending on the choices you make – then there is a fantastic solution. We call it “Cascading Dropdowns”.

#28 Code Cookie Of The Week | Rest API Sneak Peek

Our PowerShell API enables you to place orders, build services and do pretty much everything you can do in the UI. We want to make our REST-API supported to use and official.

#27 Code Cookie Of The Week | Simple Group Approval

Sometimes when you’ve placed an order, you want more than one person to be able to approve it. There is an easy way to do this! Check out this video where Erik is showing you how!

#26 Code Cookie Of The Week | Variable lifecycle

Do you know how the variable acts inside Zervicepoint and in its core? In this video, Erik digs into Zervicepoint and gives you a handstand (?) explanation of the lifecycle of a variable.

#25 Code Cookie Of The Week | Distribution Lists (real case)

Interested in how to create, manage and remove distribution lists? Erik shows you a real-life case where he explains how to do this in Zervicepoint. Join in!

#24 Code Cookie Of The Week | Translation Variables

In this video, Erik is showing you the area of use for Translation Variables, and how you can use them in a smooth way! Join in

#23 Code Cookie Of The Week | FreshDesk Plugin Part 2

In this video, Erik continues to play with his wonderful freshdesk plugin. He delves even deeper into the enchanted world of the code.

#22 Code Cookie Of The Week | FreshDesk Plugin

Are you interested in how to use FreshDesk is a much more powerful way? Then, this is the video for you. Yes, it’s a little bit longer than the rest of the videos, but I promise you – it’s so worth it!

#21 Code Cookie Of The Week | Move values between dropdowns

In this video, Erik shows how to move values between different dropdowns. This has for long been a sought-after functionality, so sit down on the digital sofa and watch him make his magic!

#20 Code Cookie Of The Week | Form Functions

Form functions are a new way of working with JavaScripts in service forms. Script code that you tend to use frequently can now be stored as functions inside script classes in the database.

#19 Code Cookie Of The Week | Link Services

We have a new feature in Zervicepoint, that we call “Link Services“. This feature makes it, for example, possible to set a service tile to a Table Page. In this video, Erik shows you how to use it! Dive in

#18 Code Cookie Of The Week | Table Pages

In this week’s cookie, Erik shows us an example of how to get data into a table page and manipulate it using JavaScript. Check it out!

#17 Code Cookie Of The Week | Cart Files

Erik continues to deliver high-quality cookies about the Zerivcepoint PowerShell API. In this video, he dives a little bit deeper into it and shows you how to use it in even more efficient ways!

#16 Code Cookie Of The Week | Automatic Order Placer

Last week, Eric showed an overview of the ZP Powershell API and what possibilities there are with this API. In this week’s video, he dives deeper into the API and shows how to use it.

#15 Code Cookie Of The Week | Approve Someone Elses Order

A lot of you have asked if it’s possible to approve someone else's order, and the answer is – YES, it is! And it’s very easy. In this video, Erik shows you how to do it. Grab a cup of coffee and join him!

#14 Code Cookie Of The Week | ZP PowerShell API

This week Erik is showing us an overview of the Zervicepoint PowerShell API, and the huge possibilities with it. In further cookies, Erik will also show us how we can use the API in the best possible way!

#13 Code Cookie Of The Week | .NET WebService Part 2

This is the continuation of Erik showing us how we can create a webservice using C#. So, join in!

#12 Code Cookie Of The Week | Copy-Paste

It’s now possible to copy and paste in your service editor! Check out when Erik is showing us this pretty cool feature!

#11 Code Cookie Of The Week | .NET WebService

In this video Erik is showing us how to build a WebService using .NET. Jump in!

#10 Code Cookie Of The Week | League Of Legends Plugin Part 2

This is part 2 of Erik showing us how we in an easy way can build a plugin by creating components such as data sources and webservices. Join in!

#9 Code Cookie Of The Week | League Of Legends Plugin

Erik shows you how you in an easy way can build a plugin by creating components such as data sources and webservices. Join in!

#8 Code Cookie Of The Week | Code Activity

In this video, Erik shows you how to work with Code Activity! Join in!

#7 Code Cookie Of The Week | Key Authentication

It’s now possible to authenticate Zervicepoint with a key, and in this video, Erik is showing you how to do it Check it out!

#6 Code Cookie Of The Week | LDAP Ticks To Date Script

In this video, Erik shows you how to set up a date script using LDAP-filter. This kind of filter can be useful in many ways! So, check it out

#5 Code Cookie Of The Week | Summarize Order Script

Erik shows you how to gather information in a simple way using JavaScript! Check it out!

#4 Code Cookie Of The Week | A Simple RegEx

Woohoo! Cookie number four is here! Erik shows you how you can use regular expressions to validate your input. Take a bite and join in!

#3 Code Cookie Of The Week | Spin it to win it

Yay, this is cookie number three! Eriks shows you how to create a validation spinner using JavaScript. Join in!

#2 Code Cookie Of The Week | Basic Webservice Call

This week Erik is showing us how we in an easy way can make a very useful WebService call via our plugin Person Lookup SE. Check it out!

#1 Code Cookie Of The Week | Hide ‘n’ Show

This is the first episode of our Code Cookie Of The Week. Every week Erik will give you a Zervicepoint cookie that you can chew on while you’re designing your new service.