
Launching a new installation experience!

A new installation experience

We have now replaced our new installer with a completely new installation experience! With this new experience it’s now easier than ever to install- or upgrade your Zervicepoint to get all the new features and improvements. Here’s some of the highlights;

  • Full user interface – no need for a cmd file to launch it (although it still supports install.cmd)
  • When upgrading from an earlier version, the installer gets all settings from already installed features
  • When reinstalling, the installer remembers the settings from the previous installation
  • No more passwords in clear text in the installation log files

Make your plugin Cloud2Cloud

We can now announce that we have released a new way to run plugins – initiated from your private cloud! These central plugins are used primarily for cloud system integrations in a cloud based Zervicepoint environment – since the server running the central provisioning service does not necessarily have any access to a customers on-premise systems and therefore can not communicate with these. In a Zervicepoint cloud environment this removes the need for customers to have their own on-premise provisioning server when no integrations against on-premise systems are needed. On-boarding of a customer of this type will therefore be faster since no extra server-setup is needed.

Do you want to know more about working with central plugins? Follow the link below!
Working with central plugins

Employee On-boarding Template

Are your organisation struggling with complex on-boarding processes? Are your organisation wondering how it would be if it was totally digitized? We just released our new Employee On-boarding Template. Follow the link below, download the template and try it out yourself. We promise you won’t be disappointed!
Employee Onboarding Template

Front Page Description

Maybe you want to tell your users something when they’re logging into your Zervicepoint? You can now add your own description to the front page – in an easy way. Just go to the administration web, choose the front page and add a new text block. It’s simple as that.

If you like to dig deep you can of course read the latest release notes

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