Automated self-service – where do you start?
Self-service is the new normal. People expect personal experiences. So why not offer it within your organization? The question is where do you begin? Get started with self-service In our previous blog we were talking about how you can keep your employees lazy in a smart way. Now it’s time to figure out where. Most […]
Why is E-signature needed and where?
One of our product partners Assently provides Zervicepoint and their users worldwide with a clever e-signature software solution. In short, e-signature is a method of signing documents electronically. An e-signature is a legal action to enter into an agreement or otherwise sign the contents of a document. Benefits of digital signing The benefits with all […]
Zervicepoint Update! | Redesign Admin Landing Page
Zerviepoint Update! is back! We are happy to announce that our admin web landing page has gotten a face lift. This improvement comes with multiple new features, like Most Time Efficient, Most Popular Services and Number Of Orders. For you who’s worried that the good ol’ audit feed is gone, we can tell you this; […]
Zervicepoint Update! | Grouped Activity
In this episode of Zervicepoint Update! we show a function that has been in the product since version 1.20. It is so useful and valuable that we need to highlight it once again! 🤘🏽 The function we are talking about is of course Grouped Activity. In short, this feature allows you to put together a […]
Our Team Contract
Courage We like to challenge each other and question decisions because we care about what we do and what we want to achieve. Our dialogue is always brave and open. We do this because we strive to always be better together. We let each other know if anything feels wrong, and nurture our own feelings […]
Can you host a virtual Housewarming Party in a corporate world?
And so the day finally arrived and we were about to try our perfect market fit wings and fly out in the corporate world. We wanted to make more people experience what it is like to have a friction-free workday by automating recurring tasks in their organization and take our SaaS solution Zervicepoint to the […]
Top 3 things to think about to reap the benefits of digitalization
We are misled in today’s digitalization to focus on the technology instead of the value it brings, focus on the processes instead of the people, and we all to often miss out on how it actually affects people in everyday life. We focus on the things, and not on the people. This is our top […]
Time to give up your power to reap the benefits of digitalization
We are misled in today’s digitalization to focus on the technology instead of the value it brings, focus on the processes instead of the people, and we all to often miss out on how it actually affects people in everyday life. We focus on the things, and not on the people. First, it’s time we […]
The secret ingredient in succeeding in digitalization

We need leadership that understands the importance of the pedagogical journey you have to do to lead a person from today to tomorrow. So even if it’s a technical revolution, if you want to be great at digitalization, you need to be good at transformation and in return leadership. We are mislead in digitalization to focus on the technology […]