Family looking at sunset

Our Team Contract


We like to challenge each other and question decisions because we care about what we do and what we want to achieve. Our dialogue is always brave and open. We do this because we strive to always be better together. We let each other know if anything feels wrong, and nurture our own feelings and perceptions of what is right or wrong.

We practice a mentally safe environment by encouraging us to be ridiculous together and try out new things that go beyond our comfort zone. It nurtures the team spirit, strengthens our self-confidence, and allows us to practice failing. As we believe it is crucial to fail many times in order to be successful long term.


Everyone’s opinion is equally important regardless of how you express it, what experience you have, or from what background you come from.

We strengthen each other to dare to express our opinion by giving more positive than negative feedback and we cherish the methods that help us stick to this.

We are genuinely curious about what other social beings we are working with and are eager to try their crazy interests and share ours. It allows us to both see and experience other colleagues’ perspectives on life and in practice.



We constantly challenge and question the boundaries that arise between us, a customer, partner, or competitor. We are all people who want to achieve a common result and there is no place for hierarchies, competition, hidden agendas, or ”us and them” in our common ground of making business happen.

In order for everyone to understand our mission, we openly share what we are working on right now and all information is accessible. Ranging from board meeting notes to the company’s finances and what benefits are available, to where you find pens and recycling. We make no exception and all information is equally important and accessible.

Customers and partners are involved in everything we do! We give our customers insight into our work and interact with them as often as we can. We want to understand their needs and give them the opportunity to be involved and influence our work in everything we do. Which in turn makes us customer obsessive!

Selfless Joy

To strengthen the cohesion of the team and look positively at what we achieve together, we celebrate big and small successes. We strengthen the feeling of success together thus we are better equipped to meet new challenges!

There is nothing more glorious than knowing that you have done something good and at the same time rejoicing in the success of others. Therefore, we give each other praise and an extra pat on the back, which in turn makes us happier and more motivated.

We are sensitive to when a colleague needs help and support each other through thick and thin. By openheartedly raising issues or problems early, we can find solutions quickly and use our collective intelligence to solve them.


We like to experiment to find creative solutions hence a few times every year, we do this more concentrated during our innovation week. We solve different problems together by both thinking and creating completely outside of the box and invite our customers and partners to participate in the exercise.

To feed our creative brains with new energy, we give all individuals in the team, time and reflection, through a ”Think-Week” which we believe is essential for building innovation long-term in our business. It benefits both us as individuals and our common mission!


We always develop together with our customers and partners to find the right solution as quickly as possible. We make no difference between the needs, whether it is new, technical, of commercial purpose, or something experienced by our users.
We want our customers to succeed! That is why we create relevant offers, services that facilitate and improve their work and everyday life, never the other way around.

We measure progress continuously to create even better value and optimize processes in the future and never have to play the guessing game. Data-driven insights help us make the right decision while improving the entire customer experience over time.