We are misled in today’s digitalization to focus on the technology instead of the value it brings, focus on the processes instead of the people, and we all to often miss out on how it actually affects people in everyday life. We focus on the things, and not on the people. This is our top three things to think and reflect upon if you want to reap the benefits of digitalization. Take five, grab a cup and let’s jump in!
Digitalization is about changing peoples lives and behaviour, not bringing in new technology.
First we need to realize that digitalization is about changing peoples lives and behaviour, not bringing in new technology. If you want to truly change and affect a person, you need to meet he or she where they are, and then you can understand how to help them in the right direction. This means that we need leadership, that understands the importance of the pedagogical journey, to lead a person from today to tomorrow.
Leadership isn’t something for a few, it’s something for everyone.
Secondly to do this we can’t solely rely on a few leaders, we need everyone to be a leader. We need self-governed and self-motivated people. This means that you need to train everyone to be a leader to succeed in digitalization and as an organization today. So it’s time to step up. If you want fundamental change, you need to stop the classical ways of training your organization by only educating a few. Leadership isn’t something for a few, it’s something for everyone.
To be able to lead someone else, you need to be able to lead yourself.
Finally, to be able to lead someone else, you need to be able to lead yourself. You need to realize that you have to be a leader, and you need to change before you can change anyone else. Everyone advocating for digitalization should ask themselves – am I a good leader? You have to realize that you need to be…
- …more of a teacher, than a sales person
- …more of a coach, than a project manager
- …more of a mentor, than a manage
So this is our top list of things to think about and reflect upon when it comes to leadership in a digitized world. What is your top list to reap the benefits of digitalization?
Connect with me and let me know what your thoughts are, and as always, I love feedback in any form.
Think big, continuously act small and aim to be awesome.