
Why is E-signature needed and where?

One of our product partners Assently provides Zervicepoint and their users worldwide with a clever e-signature software solution. In short, e-signature is a method of signing documents electronically. An e-signature is a legal action to enter into an agreement or otherwise sign the contents of a document.

Benefits of digital signing

The benefits with all of Assently´s solutions (E-sign, CoreID, and LiveID) e-signature are many and the list is long what you could achieve with digitizing the signature process but to name a few you can expect:

  • Reduced costs. Read how Vattenfall has saved 200K SEK on print, material, and postage
  • High security. Assentlys services comply with all relevant laws and regulations such as the Signature Act, eIDAS ISO 27001, and GDPR.
  • Reduced administration and shorter lead times

Best practice in digital signing

Digital signing is an ideal first step on your digital journey and one of the best examples where e-signature strongly supports our customers’ processes is when onboarding a new employee. It is especially beneficial as many people and departments are involved and several documents that need a sign-off.

Among other things you can sign:

  • Employment contracts
  • Sign off hardware
  • Confirm that the colleague have read the Code of Conduct and the ”Manual for new employees”
  • Sign out passwords with encryption
  • Access cards, parking cards, company car, etc.

What else could you use it for?

You could practically use it throughout your entire organization in every department or internal processes in other news. To name a few of them you could use e-signature in Purchasing department, HR for employment, action plans, Finance department for financial statements, marketing, and e-commerce department, sales, customer agreements management, such as receiving confirmation that employees have read documents. With Zervicepoint you are also able to follow and get an overview of the different processes, where a digital signing is needed the most. Only the sky is the limit of where you should start your digital signing journey!

About Assently

Use trusted e-signing and e-identification in your business. With Assently, you increase security of identities, improve efficiency and customer experience.

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