
Zervicepoint 1.15 coming your way!

In our latest release of Zervicepoint 1.15, we introduce some new nice features that we think you will appreciate.

Multi quick approve

Feeling overwhelmed with all the tasks you have to review? In release 1.15 of Zervicepoint we introduce a new way to approve tasks super fast – hang on!

Multi quick approve

Back to selection

Want to increase internal orders? Let your users order more items from the same category immediately with the “Back to selection button” shown in the cart and in the order confirmation dialog.

Back to selection - Order submitted
Back to selection – Order submitted
Back to selection - Cart
Back to selection – Cart

Scroll to form validation errors

Now your Zervicepoint users no longer have to look for which fields have incorrect input when submitting forms. Forms now scroll up to fields with validation errors when submitting the form. This will make the end user happy as can be!

In addition to this we have squashed some bugs as well

  • Fixed a bug that made it impossible to reset an unrestricted drop down to the placeholder value
  • Many variables (>80) in a service with code activities slowed the workflow editor considerably – squashed as well!
  • Database timeout when upgrading Zervicepoint with lots of data. Increased timeout and made it configurable in install.cmd
  • Fixed yet another bug that caused an error when you had many services (1000+) in one page
  • Fixed a problem with a cookie name that sometimes caused a problem with certain strict proxy servers

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