
#zervicepointnews | January

Knowledge Base goes Zervicepoint Docs

For quite some time now, we have been using Confluence as our document library – Zervicepoint Knowledge Base. Everything has an end and we always want to make it better for everyone who works with Zervicepoint.

That is why we have moved all the relevant documentation to our new library – Zervicepoint Docs. This is an improved documentation including installation media, plugins, tutorials, guidelinesconceptual descriptions, product components, how-to’s and much more. It even guides you in how to build your own integrations. It also has an exceptional search engine that will make it easy for you to find what you are looking for.

We have included a feedback section inside of Zervicepoint Docs, in which you can provide direct feedback on content, missing pieces, faults etc. We make sure to take care of it.

We hope you will enjoy Zervicepoint Docs!

Get a plugin or upgrade existing ones!

Our plugins are continuously developed to meet our customers’ needs, and it is now possible to both buy and upgrade your plugins via our website.

And it’s easy! Via the button below you will get to the download page. From there you can navigate through different pages, based on what kind of media you want to download. Don’t you have any access yet? Contact us!

Try it yourself!

Streamline your HR processes

Is it possible to hire someone in 3 minutes? Sure it is! Learn how to streamline your HR processes, and discover new ways to create business processes for a sustainable workplace.

What do you get?

You are the expert on your challenges, and we share our long experience with HR processes, both as employees and managers.​

  • Learn how to automate the right processes. Automating all HR processes is usually not the solution.​
  • We will help you figure out how to digitize and create a positive experience with the help of business automation.​
  • Also, we will invite more HR managers to this free workshop so you can exchange valuable insights with them.​

See you there! 😎

Automation webinar

Do you want to streamline your processes, but do not know how to start? Our digital webinar is for you who want to learn how to get started with automation.

What do you get?

  • Step by step, how to get started with automation.
  • Size up the situation on which processes you and your colleagues would benefit most from when automating.
  • Learn how to calculate ROI on your investment.
  • Get the right conditions to give your employees a friction-free workday.
  • Practical tasks and templates that you can use in your own organization.

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